Feminist have just thought of a sickening new way to help fight the patriarchy while promoting racial equality. You see white men are bad. Very bad! They colonized America, built factories, pioneered technology, advanced medicine and the sciences.
And feminist say men put women and minorities down…
But back to our story. Feminist are now advocating a very heinous practice all in the name of lifting American-Americans men up from the ghettos where white people’s feelings are forcing then to kill each other.
Feminist argue that what white men in America really can’t stomach are equality and the progressive left’s agenda. So, it’s up to women (white women that is) to help put an end to the white patriarchy dominance of women and minorities. You can learn more about this 4 point liberal feminist plan on the next page. And you’re going to want to because if feminists have their way, if any woman accidentally betrays the body positive sisterhood and gets impregnated by a white man then…
Mentally ill women who hate whites, men, children, and themselves, totally self-centered feminazis
Nobody do more abortions murder than black women ,but white women abortion murders follows.
White this and white that…has lost all meaning, just like racist has lost all meaning…what a joke we’ve become, everyone calling each other and every move a name. Just like a society filled with mean high school attitudes…
Crazy idea
Agree except the fewer kids. We need more children compare to the Muslim population. Do a little research and you will find it for yourself
Secular State Religion Gate
Unconstitutionally Turned Our Nation
to the
Drastic Left
Cause of a Yearly
Three Trillion Dollar
Tax and Associated Expense
Please take a moment and sign petition.
Our nation left the charted course of our founding fathers and went back to a State religion, in a “SECULAR” State religion establishment, violates the Establishment Clause, is an unconstitutional fourth branch of government and makes void government of, by, and for the People, which has unconstitutionally turned our nation to the drastic left.
(1791) Prohibits government respecting an establishment of secular religion, First Amendment of the Constitution, Establishment Clause: “Congress shall make no law RESPECTING an establishment of religion…” .
(19570 “… first place there are forms of belief… accepted as religions and whose adherents, numbering in the millions,…do not include or require as essential the belief in a deity. Taoism, classic Buddhism, and Confucianism, are among these religions” Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda, 153 Cal. App. 2d 673, 315 P.2d 394.
(1961) “Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others” US supreme Court Torcaso v. Watkins (367 U.S. 488).
(1965-1970) Particular elements of a secular relgion, U.S. v Seeqer U.S. 162, 176 , Welsh v. U.S.398 U.S. 333 (1970):
“training and belief”
“…a sincere and meaningful belief occupying in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God”
Evidence of the massive government academia establishment (1800 universities and colleges) for decades have stacked (conflict of interest) in preferred hiring, awarding tenure to liberal professors, rigged the deck, shown training and belief in discrimination and persecution of Christians:
(1991) Government Universities Preferred Hiring, Awarding Tenure to Liberal Professors, Overall Leftest Bias Dominate – Hans Tirpak, Director, Law Student Bar Association, university of Buffalo, Amherst “…colleges and universities have been and are in the practice of hiring and awarding tenure to liberal professors over equally qualified conservative professors,..”, “…the growing awareness that most of America’s colleges and universities, including UB (university of Buffalo), have become dominated by leftist professors and administrators strongly support the inference.”, “It might be stretching things a bit to assert that UB and/or similarly situation colleges or universities do not hire conservative professors. I hear UB has some in it’s political science department. I even met one about a year ago. I was quite surprised. With that exception, every professor I have met at UB in the 2 1/2 years I’ve been a student has seemed leftist” Buffalo Newspaper.
(2012) The Washington Times- Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement – 80 percent of psychology professors at elite and non-elite universities are Democrats, 90 percent identified as liberal http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/aug/1/liberal-majority-on-campus-yes-were-biased/
(2013) University campus is akin to something between a big church or a small Vatican – Why many professors are atheists: Academe as a secular religious community https://deathbytrolley.wordpress.com/2013/01/24/why-many-career-academics-are-atheists-academe-as-asecular-religious-community/
(2014) Inside Higher ED – Retaliation Claim Vindicated “Seven years after Mike Adams sued the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, charging that he was denied a promotion because of his political views, a federal jury agreed” https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/03/21/jury-backs-claim-conservative-professor-he-was-denied-promotion-because-his-views
(2015) Study delivers bleak verdict on validity of psychology experiment results https://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/aug/27/study-delivers-bleak-verdict-on-validity-of-psychology-experiment-results“In the investigation, a whopping 75% of the social psychology experiments were not replicated…”, “Even when scientists could replicate original findings, the sizes of the effects they found were on average half as big as reported first time around.”
(2015) Exposed: Christian Students Rejected, Failed, and Expelled for their Faith by State Universities- RED STATE https://www.redstate.com/matthewclark/2015/07/13/exposed-christian-students-rejected-failed-expelled-faith-state-colleges-universities/
(2016) Liberal professors outnumber conservatives nearly 12 to 1, study finds http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/6/liberal-professors-outnumber-conservatives-12-1/
Evidence of government academia unconstitutionally respected training and belief in ancient atheistic, infidel (Anti – Judeo Christian) philosophy (so called wisdom) tenets, that through the ages morphed and were disguised into new word terminologies/vernacular in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry. For detailed information on atheistic, infidel Philosophy go to Part III History of Atheistic, Infidel (anti-judeo Christian) Philosophy (so called wisdom)
The State under the disguised of protecting a few individuals from harming themselves and others, and falsely claiming unbiased science, have in effect set up a secular State religion establishment, created bias/fraudulent/f**e science or Pseudo (meaning false, sham) science in Evolution, Sociology, Psychology and Psychiatry, resulted in a sincere and meaningful belief occupying in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by God.
A secular State religion unconstitutionally forced upon the people and society their indoctrination, vernacular, rules, regulations, policies, procedural, barbaric quackery so called remedies some are already outlawed and drugs based on a proven false theory “Chemical imbalance” harmed tens of millions of citizens among them children, even infants, are in effect unconstitutional laws (violation of the Establishment Clause, breach the Wall of Separation) by non-elected individuals and committees that unconstitutionally turned our nation to the drastic left.
Oh I thought that was the goal of Planned. zOarenyhpod
did you know that the Girl Scouts give money to planned parenthood that it makes from the cookies they sell you boycott the cookies.
What nonsense, get out among the people there’s plenty of white folks that only have supremacy over how thet spend their few dollars.