Feminist have just thought of a sickening new way to help fight the patriarchy while promoting racial equality. You see white men are bad. Very bad! They colonized America, built factories, pioneered technology, advanced medicine and the sciences.
And feminist say men put women and minorities down…
But back to our story. Feminist are now advocating a very heinous practice all in the name of lifting American-Americans men up from the ghettos where white people’s feelings are forcing then to kill each other.
Feminist argue that what white men in America really can’t stomach are equality and the progressive left’s agenda. So, it’s up to women (white women that is) to help put an end to the white patriarchy dominance of women and minorities. You can learn more about this 4 point liberal feminist plan on the next page. And you’re going to want to because if feminists have their way, if any woman accidentally betrays the body positive sisterhood and gets impregnated by a white man then…
The solution is STOP PLAYING THE F#%$ING VICTIM. You never picked any cotton and I have never owned any people. You know who does still practice slavery, sex slavery case in point….Muslims.
Why anyone would want to bring a child into this f’d up World is beyond my comprehension anymore. We thought the country was screwed up after Vietnam, look what 44 more years wrought.
A liberal feminist is just a failed woman with no self esteem.
She’s not white…
Do that and we definitely will become a 3rd world natoon
The sad thing is most white women won’t abort their babies. Blacks will
The killing of an unborn baby is MURDER!!
This is same thing Africa did and still do. Along with Muslims. Called genocide. I think$#%&!@*tried and failed.
Are you. Tired of talk about killing white people if you are lets all meet& bring friends if you want !! But remember this is for whites only & its time to put an endto this since the law & government has failed!! This is the time to rise & be heard instead of sit & listen !!