With all of the trouble that feminists cause for just about everybody, 4chan came up with a plan so diabolical and hilarious, that you can’t help but to shake your head at the stupidity of those who fell for it, while laughing uncontrollably. Under the hashtag #PissForEquality, feminists have been peeing their pants and posting the pictures on the Internet.
Read more about the prank on the next page.
Why do you post this c**p? Oh wait, that’s next isn’t it?
That’s a great way to show how much of a problem some of these groups have.
Exactly what is a feminist?
remind to never sit in her chair
Conduct yourselves as ladies and not toddlers throwing fits. It is insulting to put them in the same catagory as women.
This is just a special kind of STUPID !!
Infantile idiots!