With all of the trouble that feminists cause for just about everybody, 4chan came up with a plan so diabolical and hilarious, that you can’t help but to shake your head at the stupidity of those who fell for it, while laughing uncontrollably. Under the hashtag #PissForEquality, feminists have been peeing their pants and posting the pictures on the Internet.
Read more about the prank on the next page.
the only thing they are equial to is a baby who wets themselves and they have the excuse of age
They are just showing how mentally ill they are!
That is just common and filthy.
Ummm, that’s not equality unless of coarse they’re trying to to show you stay free pads are unequal to depends because they don’t hold all the pee! Idiots. I will NEVER sit in a public chair again.
i dont even know how to respond to that.maybe get some depends??
equality – to infants who are not yet potty trained?
modern so called femminists are a tiny minority of mentally sick man hating nut cases who claim to speak for women every where through there media connections, white hetro hating$#%&!@*s in the media.
Ernie Delp
Well said.