With all of the trouble that feminists cause for just about everybody, 4chan came up with a plan so diabolical and hilarious, that you can’t help but to shake your head at the stupidity of those who fell for it, while laughing uncontrollably. Under the hashtag #PissForEquality, feminists have been peeing their pants and posting the pictures on the Internet.
Read more about the prank on the next page.
That’s disgusting! !
The only way they can get any attention is to do something so disgusting as peeing in their pants ! They bleed all over themselves now they have a new disgusting idea to pee on themselves ! Where is the equality, what’s their point !! They are a bunch of losers !!! L.P.B.
Peeing your pants is not going to end inequality between genders, race, or anything… all its going to do is make an embarrassment out yourself and any real women/ men fighting for equality for all..
Totally Ridiculous!!!
Ur ine saine
To each it’s own I guess, DO THIS NEXT TO A GUY and SEE HOW HE REACTS to YOUR SMELL
How in the world does peeing your pants make a person equal with anyone at all, unless they are comparing themselves to young children learning to use the toilet. Are they claiming that men pee their pants in public? And if so, why stoop to the lowest common denominator? This is pure insanity and stupidity. What are they trying to prove?
Wonder why we allow them to vote ? We would not have gotten carter Clinton or Obama