When it comes to Islam and those who practice it, there really is no way to decipher the thinking of their liberal supporters. Logic clearly means something different to them than it does to people who are actually capable of logical thinking, which would explain why women in Cologne have responded to the mass molestation that occurred on New Year’s Eve by handing out roses to Muslim migrants as a “gesture against xenophobia”. These are individuals who clearly don’t have a conscience or at minimum respect for the rights of others. That’s not a problem that a rose is going to fix.
A German television news report showed the women giving flowers to migrants, many of which were involved in the sexual molestation of hundreds of women on December 31st.
How the German government is still keeping that quiet is another mystery in itself. That being said, why should these women be giving out “good-will” roses to these people, when they’re clearly the victims in all of this? Are they really more concerned about not spreading Islamophobe than protecting themselves?
See how feminists responded on the next page.
They should stick them up their$#%&!@* stem side first. The older I get, the less tolerance for bull$#%&!@* I have.
Stupid bicth. Welcome to refugees rapists and pedophile.
Refugee without any kind of documentation.
You’ve been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with rats. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean rats have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately so you hire a guy. A pro. You don’t care if the guy smells, or swears and you don’t care how many times he’s been married, you simply want the rats gone! You want your problem fixed! And he’s the best guy to fix it.
That’s why Trump is popular. Yes he’s a tad unsophisticated and unprofessional when warranted , he’s not eloquent or a good speaker when taunted , but you don’t care, you want the problem fixed. The country is a mess because politicians are running it ineptly and incompetently caring more about their seats than their country. Liberal Democrats live in a state of delusion and denial and support a psychopathic liar who they know has blood on her hands, a money laundering faux charity, and a personal server that compromised our National Security. The Republican Party is two-faced, maniacally ego-ed and can’t unite even for the sake of their country. Illegals number in the millions, and Obama is hell-bent on the islamafication of America even if it costs the American lives. America’s debt is such a mess our great great great grandchildren will be paying for it. Our enemies (and the world) laugh at us and call us fools. Trump seems like the only guy who knows what is going on, calls it out for what it is, and wants to fix it for the country and the citizens. He’s a pro, he’s got a proven record, and he’ll get the job done.
Trump may not be a saint, but he’s no coward. He doesn’t have lobbyist money pulling his strings, nor does he have political correctness restraining him. He’s a successful savvy negotiator and businessman, a shaker and a mover, he will appoint the best and brightest most competent people to help him make America Great Again.
Trump is a great American and loves his country and honors our military and vets.
And might I add, that Trump will fight diligently to ensure Americans rights to bear arms and protect ourselves and family.
You don’t care about his hair or his wife or his money – you ,‘WE THE PEOPLE,’ JUST WANT OUR COUNTRY FIXED!
We need to make our vote count, we need to vote for the most electable candidate because our country could never survive with Bernie, Hillary or if it was possible ( which thank God it’s not) one more day of Obama . If the Republicans don’t vote as one, we will lose this election and our country. This isn’t a personality contest!
This is to elect the person who will get us out of the mess that we have been in for the last 7 years .
Don’t you see our country, a land that we love and are proud of is dying and we are in dire straits.
Our military is dismantled and not honored by our own government, Americans out of work, jobs are now relocated outside of the US, our economy is suffering and 19 trillion ( in our younger days did we ever realize what trillion was?) in debt, median income down, our seniors who have been the back bone , and yes our grandparents and parents are getting a slap in the face by our own government!
One last thing. We now live in a country, the United States of America, the greatest country in the free world, where we as citizens are afraid to say the pledge of allegiance or fly old glory for fear that it might offend someone! What has our country become, we need help and help now.
The men in Germany are feminine, they’ve been programmed this way. A lot of European men are like this. This is why so many women are getting assaulted over there, because the men are too$#%&!@*to defend them. Now they’re handing out flowers to the very men who assault and rape their women. Wtf is going on!
feminists are fucking brain dead idiots
Oh, thanks for all the rapes guys have a rose. I think they are all crazy.
Outlaw the Muslim Cult in America and the world to stop this c**p!!!