When it comes to Islam and those who practice it, there really is no way to decipher the thinking of their liberal supporters. Logic clearly means something different to them than it does to people who are actually capable of logical thinking, which would explain why women in Cologne have responded to the mass molestation that occurred on New Year’s Eve by handing out roses to Muslim migrants as a “gesture against xenophobia”. These are individuals who clearly don’t have a conscience or at minimum respect for the rights of others. That’s not a problem that a rose is going to fix.
A German television news report showed the women giving flowers to migrants, many of which were involved in the sexual molestation of hundreds of women on December 31st.
How the German government is still keeping that quiet is another mystery in itself. That being said, why should these women be giving out “good-will” roses to these people, when they’re clearly the victims in all of this? Are they really more concerned about not spreading Islamophobe than protecting themselves?
See how feminists responded on the next page.
Expecting rapists to be punished isn’t xenophobic it’s common sense
No self-preservation and no common sense.
Maybe they like being raped
If liberalism is a memtal illness, does it not neef to be “cured”?
WTF ??? Oh dear, as they are going to have a “WAKE UP CALL FROM HELL” if they try their$#%&!@*on here !!! And if I were them, I wouldn’t even think about it !!!
I think a 9mm in the cojones would be more appropriate…
Politics are a mental illness they are a mental state that is negative for life on Terra all they produce is needless war tryanical goverments poverty pain spite classisim. Poltics is fancy slavery because “governing” people is fancy slavery. I feel very bad for anyone that buys into making legitimate change by voteing or reading the polls I also feel very bad for the Millions of people desperately in need of are help that these people attempt to vote at. As tho any poltician would do anything to help life or love or the people. Liberty is in are hands this isnt someone eles it is are direct responsibility band together we dont need a goverment and therfore we should get rid of it we need each other. Communism, capitalism, democracys, mental dissorders, slavery, hate.
Not even with duct tape!
And feminist never protest the mass rape lolzz… meaning feminiats agree with those men raping them lol..giving them roses to attract more repaist