Modern activism in America is beginning to reach a dangerous new level of stupidity and repulsiveness. While racial issues continue to infest the media and the country, as a whole, feminists are trying to show that they still matter by encouraging a rather disgusting issue, STDs. Apparently, if you have an STD you should be proud of it, at least according to feminist Ella Dawson, a graduate of Wesleyan University and social media worker for TED.
The opening statement in her blog goes like this, “I am herpes+ and pretty cool with it”. Okay, fine, but then she said in a tweet, “I’m not interested in playing identity politics. I’m a slut, and I have herpes. I am still a person who deserves respect.” In another tweet, she actually said that “STIs are not a consequence of poor decisions or bad character.” She even created a the hashtag #ShoutYourStatus to encourage others with STDs.
Wait, what?
In what world does having genital warts and bragging about being a slut earn you respect? Encouraging women to celebrate an infection that can lead to a damaged nervous system and brain damage isn’t something to be proud of.
Check out a more explanatory video on the next page.
There is just no fixing stupid
So rendering them sterile(no chance of having children), is their goal? It might be a good idea,taking them out of the Gene pool…..
I think that just sank to a new low!
What in the hell is wrong with people these days?
Whom God would destroy He first makes mad!
Talk about a walking zombie!!! We have no hope for this country…
Crazy femantist.
This is stupid working it’s way out of the gene pool!
Celebrate like there’s no tomorrow. Don’t go to a doctor or take any meds. Then everyone else can celebrate with you.