So let’s get this straight Mom’s Against Action for Gun Sense in America, you are FOR rapists versus the victims of rape. With this inane tweet, one can see just how feebleminded these feminists are: “Rape Lasts For Minutes, Death Is Forever. You DON’T Need A Gun”.
So moms, if your daughter is being raped, will you stand by, watch and tell her she’ll get over it in time? Are you kidding me? Have you been so desensitized by the left’s brainwashing that the ingrained mama bear instinct to protect your young, as well as yourself, would just lie down and take it, because guns kill?
This is from the party that claims to have women’s rights as their core concern, yet they make insane statements like Senator Feinstein’s, “Women are not capable of defending themselves with death machines, we call guns.” So here is a rape whistle, blow it and maybe your rapist will stop.
More insanity to be had on page two.
Hey stop by…
You use your whistle if you want, but I’ll kill a predator before I just lay down and take it. What a moronic thing to say!
Are you kidding me ? Blow the bastards head off but first blow his$#%&!@*off !
Chances are you might be killed. I want a chance to survive and not be raped either. A gun is the best deterrent to heinous crimes.
The act of rape may last for a few moments. But the victim has to live with it for life. Again would be a smart idea.
I agree with you patricia
He’ll also lasts forever
Sounds like these feminists who think this way have rape fantasys. If that’s the case then they need to go get themselves raped and keep thier opinions and fantasys to themselves.
Clearly stated by someone with no experience. I choose gun for crime prevention.
That is just the stupidest logic! Some rapes lead to murder and wouldn’t be so much more rewarding, knowing you personally took an animal off the streets by putting a bullet hole in his head?