Feminist Issues New Anti-Trump Weapon: “Official Nipples of The Resistance Movement”

Feminist Issues New Anti-Trump Weapon: “Official Nipples of The Resistance Movement”

The feminist movement really is the movement that keeps on giving.

If you don’t agree, you really haven’t been paying attention. Sure, angry feminists are among the least pleasant and least sensible people in America, but they basically fight themselves with their own absurdity. They’re so extreme that no one takes them seriously — which is good because it allows the rest of us to laugh at their ridiculousness.

Earlier this year, the feminist movement was all about pussy hats — vagina-shaped headwear that was a statement of equal rights… or something.

But pussy hats are SO last week. Now, it’s all about The Fake Nipples of the Resistance.

You read that right. You really can’t make this stuff up.

Read all about the fake nipples and their purpose on the next page:

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Feminist Issues New Anti-Trump Weapon: “Official Nipples of The Resistance Movement”