British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, Katie Hopkins, shows us all just how completely crazy liberal ideology is at its ‘peak’.
Hopkins says that old folks must be put to sleep like animals because they are too much of a burden on society.
How to carry out this genocide of the elderly? Well, take a look on the following page…
Wait until she gets old , let her be the first.
If I knew who she was I’d boycott her work….but since I don’t…I won’t!
And does this bimbo think she is going to get any younger? She might change her mind when that bus rolls up to pick her up.
She look old to me. Send the van.
They should Pay a Big Fine when they say this.And thrown off the Hollywood hate shows
Everyone is starting to sound like Hilter, but he only tried to wipe out the people that Iran wants to do now!!!
So much evil!!
Anna, why wait!!!! She is taking up valuable space!!!
Doesn’t she have a mother or father, the van could stop at their house first!
So, How Old are you right now?
We have a van in the area.
Can I send them over to your place?