Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
This idiot should be exterminated right now!!! She’s useless and just needs to keep her big mouth shut!! What possible good can come from her running her mouth the way she does. Every life has value regardless of age, circumstances, illness, etc. Stupid people like this woman have no idea what they’re talking about. She couldn’t possibly speak to the value of any human being!!!!!
It’s called Genocide and you need to be placed either in Jail or a padded cell, as people like you and Hitler are dangerous. . People thought Hitler was a nobody who couldn’t do anything with his thinking of killing all non Germans…. After the elderly ( who by the way got the Feminist movement started ) who next ??? The disabled ? The mentally challenged ? The deaf ? The Blind ? WHERE WOULD YOU STOP ??? I have a better idea, lets kill all the idiots and you are #1 on the list you fool.
throw her in a padded cell – pr jail- she’s inciting violence and MUST be against the law-
agree 🙂 the useless ones who contribute nothing to society- but are only COURT JESTERS to entertain
is this her ? can someone tell me please https://www.facebook.com/HopkinsWorld/
I think before euthanizing the elderly we need to euthanize the incredibly stupid !!! There’s no doubt, that the line will be long !!!!!
Another good reason to re-elect Trump in 2020! There are many more.
Another liberal, proudly spouting nazi ideology. She’s the real drain on society. A total waste of time and air space.
Retarded insane people like her should be put down because she’s no use to this country and is totally worthless. Some day that bitch will be old and I hope someone tells her we don’t want her around. She will definitely burn in hell for wanting to kill old people.
Is she on an ACID TRIP ? I guess she was written out of granny’s will.