Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
She is not a liberal at all, she’s very much right wing politics with her views over here in the UK. Not many can stand to hear her speak,
Start with her grandmom & granddad first ( if still alive),
then her mom & dad ..then
Drive around the block and come back for her.
Growing old is a blessing that is enjoyed by too few. Her home country is drenched in the blood of our military heros. You need to go home Brit Twit.
Off you go Katie Hopkins and take Tommy Robinson with you!
We already had someone with a vision like yours, his name was Adolph Hitler.
Yes, and look how well that went. Besides, we still have the 2nd amendment just for people like her…
People will never learn from history, and are in danger of repeating it!!
Exactly!! But so-called celebrities spout out all kinds of idiotic, moronic garbage. Like any sane person would ever listen to them! Most celebs are completely irrelevant!!!
All The liberals have tried to do this by making nursing homes take the sick
Can someone explain to me the difference between exterminating old people and the Hitler atrocities?
Take God from society and as a consequence society will suffer the loss of morality!
That Hopkin woman is what this world will come to with all the lunatic Democrats we have. We will be given an age to live to then kill us. The way they want babies killed. So the government can have more money. That’s all it is, GREED AN POWER .
There IS no difference. I say send the euthanasia van should first go to her house and get her parents and her grandparents.
A lot of us old people are vets and armed those vans will have holes in them
Lots of holes!
LOL! Fantastic. We all knew this day was coming 40 years ago. When society does not value life whether it be infants, is going to go for the elderly.
A lot of us old folks are locked and loaded !!!!
Another reason that NO ONE should listen to celebrities who think they are politically savvy!
Don’t f@#& with us old people we’re already pissed off about getting old!