Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
This is just another result of a self serving, self centered, UncarinG PRETEND HUMAN.
What a good idea .
Look at the advantages .
1: you can plan to the last cent your retirement capital – in order to leave nothing for your off spring .
2: if you hate Monday’s you can stand in the Sunday euthenase queue to avoid the Monday blues
3: spend and max out your credit , just before being put to sleep .
4: you can write rude letters to the people you dislike , and you never have to bump into them in the street by accident …. ever .
Stalin and Hilter reborn, Let’s include you ugly skinks!! American Veterans!
Send her back to GB and suggest that to the QUEEN!
This woman is pathetic and evidently needs attention. Apparently she can not think past the end of her nose and hasn’t looked in a mirror lately.
What is useful about a celebrity?
I just lost my mom to dementia back in October. This woman is a horrible person. Basically she’s a monster.
do a research project and she can be the first subject to take the luxury van ride…ignorant
I think she has early onset dementia ,
she seems to be INSANE. So she wants to put down her grandparents and her parents. Is that where she’s going to start?
The old r wiser have morals respect,, manners . This is something the younger generation lacks. U liberals have the morals of a ally cats. When the old are gone America as we once knew it lowill be lost forever and that’s when God we take over