Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
Well you know young lady old age comes around pretty quick. Maybe you are meaning that if people want to go, make it easy. You know what old people have much to offer , yes they take up beds. Just maybe the system could be changed to help families care for their old folk. Build lots more homes . Murder is illegal
Well honey, if you killed off all the “old” people, one of which I am, sadly there wouldn’t be an intelligent person left on earth!!!
Yea! She does look like she is gettingold bythe wrinkles in her face. But then again, I think her parents should go first.
Maybe you should get some counseling with those kinds thoughts psycho . Older generations have wisdom and know that we can’t give everything for free it comes with a price tag. Maybe you are just lazy and want things handed to you. You’ll have second thoughts about this comment when your older. What a shame to our country you are. You are a utter disgrace lock her away
I agree we need the vans, let’s start and remove anyone who associates themselves with any leftist action (akin to Adolf Hitler). Katie Hopkins looks very old and she is clearly a drain on society. I propose that we start with her.
Disgraceful there are old people still working at 72 like me and older they bring pleasur to the public get the van and start with your parents
The years tick by faster than you
think bonehead.How about
getting rid of heartless dumb
asses first.Oh honey I think we
will start with you.You fit in both
She’s not a “FEMINIST CELEB” she’s a very funny conservative speaker and her talk re, ‘Euthanasia Vans’ was totally tongue in cheek. The left try to portray her as some kind of monster but she is not. Reason why they are after her blood so much is because she sees the danger that Islam is to any Western society.
Then who will she go to for money when she’s broke.
This is such a sick lady, euthanasia may not be a bad idea for her! What does she contribute to society? Not much, I would bet!