Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
We need the Agenda 21 Van to stop at your house first… you psycho libtard!
Look both ways before crossing the street. Vans don’t have a good view for short people or is it just short sighted people.
Oops She better start hiding because she probably is hitting the sixties in the next couple years if not sooner!
Narcasstic Phsycopath
You tell me again what does an actress do for society if she cant be productive let’s get rid of her. I am going to say most of these elderly people she is complaining about have contributed and paid their dues.
Why not approve it just on time she gets old and let her be the first to ride the euthanasia van then repeal the law right there. And she will get what she wished for.
She is living proof you can screw your brains out. Put her to sleep, because she is a drain on diciety
KARMA! Reap what you sow, ya know!!
Her opinion will change as she ages. She thinks she’s too young, but SHE’S NOT.
The irony here is these liberal fools call the republicans nazis. Isn’t this what hitler and his crew did during the war? Besides if she wants to cull out the herd that’s costing us a fortune to carry she should get the illegal aliens.