Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
I’m assuming this is just another loud-mouthed, attention-seeking ploy. That said, I wonder if she realises that her mother qualifies. Mind you, with a daughter like that, it might be a kind release.
I guess she is okay with doing this to most of the leaders in the Democrat party?
Stupid bitch!
Sickening beyond words! When will intelligent people. STOP Supporting Hollywood’s reign of terror on the rest of us!!!
So when did you become a Nazi? You’ll be next little fool!
We should go ahead and try this but since Hollywood likes the attention let’s start with her first and all her friends she can let us know how it all works out.
Sounds good…and you can be the first one to try it out!!!
I would like to know why it has anything to do with politics . This woman lives in the UK. Those ppl there are not Dems.
Or Rep. Their country has been ruled by the same Royal family for longer than we are old. But I’m sick and tired of all these idiots in Facebook that post garbage , f**e photos, things that are taken completely out of text and posting their own made up captions. Am I the only sane person out there? I wonder . And by the way may I suggest that you show more respect for older ppl. If it wasn’t for those older ppl yrs ago you would be speaking German today. Ppl like Donald Trump got bought out of the Viet Nam war 3 times. But I had 2 male friends that did go and gave their lives.
Shut the hell up!!
Why do such idiots even get publicity like she does / obviously to get attention she couldn’t get otherwise !!!
I wouldn’t believe a word of this unless I heard it coming from her own mouth. I think this is a smear tactic being done because of her views about whats happening to England. She’s very vocal about the change about what’s going on in England so I think this is just a tactic to demonize her. Pure, unadulterated nonsense. The only way I would believe this is if I heard coming out of her mouth. Anyone can write an attack article.