Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
I can not believe this witch said this!!!!!! I’m dumbfounded by such a profound comment. Our seniors are what built America…. oh my gosh. Put her in front of a firing squad … shame on her!!!
This idiot liberal does not think ahead because one day, she will be old and the same treatment will be afforded to her. Insane
What an ignorant way of thinking! Let’s start with her because obviously her mind is gone!
Hiter thinking at it’s best were you pick and choose who should live and who should die until it comes around to your way of thinking
See the long black limousine
The hour glass nearly full
Now is and always has been
That memory yet felt
old and long gone
There are insane people out there. This proves it.
And Trumpy loves her. She’s as far right as it gets.
A society that supports abortion is only one step away from euthanizing old people. Both are the result of doing away with living beings that cause an inconvenience.
Ugly on the inside as well as on the outside. If anyone needs the van bitch it is you.
I’m assuming this is just another loud mouthed attention seeking ploy. That said, I wonder if she realises that her mother qualifies. Mind you, with a daughter like that, it might be a kind release.