Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
Might want to try some new makeup!
Don’t you F… yourself B….
I’m 72 & I bet I could snap you in half if you try.
It would be better if they rounded up people like her.
Give me 15 seconds notice you all are coming, and I will bake you all a cake. 😉
I know, let’s start with her and go from there…..
You first asshole
You first!
At least we can still vote.
start with u ,u plastic p.o.s.