Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
We can start with your mom and dad, and grandparents
I saw this article last year
Madness has many faces. Hers is only one of them.
You can start with yourself BITCH
Thank God we still have our guns!!
Driving to your place first…..
You look old to me…
How Do You Call A Dumbshits Nobody Knows A “Celebrity” . Is She A Legend In Her Own Mind, Like OSHITHEAD?!?!?
Maybe they can set up camps to house the elderly/disabled until the Final Solution is determined. Of course, then they’ll have to find an effective way to “get rid” of them all. Probably mass gassing, I hear Zyklon B works really well. After that they’ll have mountains of bodies to contend with. No doubt crematoria will be built. But it doesn’t end there! The Lefties are talking about slaughtering the entire white race off! And the Lib-Loon barbaric Left calls Donald Trump a $#%&!@*. Liberalism, thy name is HYPOCRISY.
Hope you can duck,, old people know how to shoot.