Katie Hopkins, a British television personality and former The Apprentice contestant, shows us all just how utterly insane liberal thinking is at its zenith.
Hopkins says that old people should be put to sleep just like animals because they are too much of a drain on society.
And, her solution to carry out this genocide of the elderly is, well, take a look on the following page…
Why don’t we start with you guys!!!
She needs a talking to.
I’ll pass why don’t you try it first dear?
She’s like 45 years old….somebody tell the dumb b*tch she will be 70 in 25 years!!!
Who like Bruce Willis, Bryan Cranston, John Travolta, Liam Neeson – what are you talking about?
Maybe she wants to start with her parents!
We still have the 2nd amendment so bring it on!
Hitler had the same mentality. Figures.
Crazy Idiot Demorat Communist Murder
these asses are attemptting to bring in$#%&!@*Germany, Communist Russia and Socia;lism all at the same time-these are sick, vile, unnatural human beings and certainly not american