Feminist women seem to have something of a self-esteem problem. They just can’t seem to find themselves beautiful or worthy of a chivalrous gentleman.
Meet Alex O’Brien a self-described “feminist, not the fun kind”, and the owner of the Handsome Her Café. You’d be hard pressed to find any handsome men loitering around her cafe though these days. Just feminist dykes. That is because she hates men. Now, this might seem a bit harsh. But, let’s keep in mind these are the rules of liberal activism. If someone is perceived to discriminate or doesn’t agree with you than they are hateful bigots.
Alex is making headlines over her new anti-men campaign. The crazy thing is that as ludicrous as this all is going to sound, this is where feminism is today. You might soon be seeing this in every liberal city or town.
So, strap on that invisible knapsack and head over to the next page to see what kind of world this delusional feminist thinks she is living in and what might happen to you if you ever happen to stumble into her café
I’m not paying$#%&!@*
I would just imagine that there would be plenty of women who wouldn’t patronize that place!
Well, isn’t that special?
Veronica Elizabeth But not an a$$hole feminist.
I wouldnt pay that unless i was getting the hair pie.just kidding lol. My wife would kill me.
How about A stupidity tax on morons? Obnoxious, petty, rude and ugly!
Miguel Coyliar, thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment! I would not want to be identified as a modern woman! In my time a woman could work outside the home and still function as stated. A well rounded, capable person with depth and a hint of mystery. Nowadays the liberal comes with safe place, bottles, pacifier, binkie, could not find her bumm with both hands. She needs to tell everyone she a woman while running around with her$#%&!@*aflappin because she can. Taking the feminine mystic and throwing it out the window. The very thing that makes them special. For the men it’s their unspoken masculinity. I am not speaking muscle here. Just an inner assurance of who they are. It’s just so sad to watch. So many while shouting who they are, losing their true identity in the process. A bunch of lost wayward children in a sea of humanity in the same condition. A world of Stepford Wives. So I’ll just keep my present opinion and if I get to carry the moniker you have just used so be it. I’ll wear it proudly!
I know I just don’t like to sorry
All woman rejects