Why has FEMA ordered and stockpiled:
– $1 Billion dollars worth of disposable coffin liners
– 14 million body bags
– 140 million long-life meals or MREs
Is this in anticipation of a natural disaster? In anticipation of massive civil unrest?
Does all of this still seem to ‘far out’ there to be believed?
Nothing would surprise me anymore. President Obama has been carrying himself as a dictator, so what is left but to take down his opposition? Like the article says, if those Americans who are armed are captured or killed, they will be placed into concentration camps or the coffins FEMA ordered. Once a revolution is started, it will be a bloody battle, American vs. American military or however the scenario plays out. There are already factions across the nation of military veterans and mercenaries who are training for this. It is frightening that it could happen in the U.S., but who is to stop it? Congress? I doubt it.
Backs-up my early statements, over five years ago, that Obama is preparing for Martial Law!
Steven Banas, think you’re right
Save one fer OBAMA and a bunch of Dems and other libs…
Hope it’s for the protesters, gang’s, illegals, liberals and democrats!
For his ciivil war! To rid America of White people!
what is this for?????
They have not met real patriots or militia yet…or even better God almighty..but they will
They will need them to bury all the dead terrorists that they will have to bury
lot of democrats in this country .