Why has FEMA ordered and stockpiled:
– $1 Billion dollars worth of disposable coffin liners
– 14 million body bags
– 140 million long-life meals or MREs
Is this in anticipation of a natural disaster? In anticipation of massive civil unrest?
Does all of this still seem to ‘far out’ there to be believed?
Thank goodness!!
maybe it’s for them!
You know John Han$#%&!@* started a war over a 2% tax increase? Now look what we pay for. Keep paying taxes people! Ha ha ha. We are not in debt, the government is!
thats been obamass’s plans from day 1. he is evil.
Yes he is!
people don’t like jesse ventura but he has been telling everyone about this for a long long time so the gov has been stocking these for a long long time along with the fema camps that will end up being internment campse for someone.
official line is they are for mass casualties of another 9-11
These were shown about ten years ago on Jesse Ventura’s tv show!
Seems like since he is term limited, he wants to rule our country as long as he can..
Smoke another one people.