What does a prophecy in the Bible and a FEMA government contractor have in common? Both predict a global food crisis that is caused by “extreme weather events” and “food insecurity” resulting in social unrest.
CNA Corp’s Institute for Public Research ran the “Food Chain Reaction” simulation on November 9-10, 2015, to help experts from the State Department, agribusiness giant Cargil, and the World Bank, along with other specialists garner data to help predict and therefore prepare for price spikes in food costs globally.
The “game” revealed that by 2024 there would be a spike in global food prices by as much as 395% as a result of ongoing crop failures in crucial “food basket regions” due to adverse weather, a spike in oil prices, and a tumultuous response by international communities.
Highlighted in the report was the impact of “climate change” also called “extreme weather events” on food supply. The result of “food insecurity” would result in ““instances of significant internal and external migration and social unrest.” These, in turn, greatly “contribute to conflict.””
“A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6) is a prediction of hyperinflation. The warning has been around for a few millennia.
Read more of the finding on the next page.
Start preparing.. Grow your own produce.. Ill tell ya now its good to know farmers.. At least you know what’s in it and its cheaper.. I know not everyone has that access but hey its an idea..
I’m 50/50. On one hand there are a lot of credible people talking about FEMA camps and martial law and other related things which is very likely to happen but on the flip side i know for a fact that they spread disinformation to take away credibility for so called conspiracy theorists, and I know for a fact that they have legitimate documents and plans that are false but get leaked by good people trying to help us, not knowing that info was false and was designed to mislead and deceive. I know Bill Cooper talked about some documents he seen while serving in intelligence that explained how we were in contact with aliens basically, and believed it was true until one day he discovered there was a plan to deceive the world by convincing us aliens were real and going to attack us, the whole plan to be a reason for the people to accept world government. So anyway who knows the FEMA thing is just as likely to be disinformation so when everybody sees it not happen there goes our credibility. Idk could go either way
Grow your own food dumbass
why do you think its becomeing illeagle for americans too farm their own land why is the majority of our food being inported from oversease insted of being grown right here at home. why would they create so called drout condishions in our major farming aireas think about it its not a conspericey threy its fact and you can find the info for your selfs
You filthy bastards.
watch they will say they can’t send wellfair checks any more or food stamps what do u think will happen then>
they want social unrest as an excuse for martial law and pushing for nwo
There is some very evil$#%&!@*going on in the world. And much of it emanates from the Obama regime…and Soros…who by the way controls the Obama regime
How do they dream this c**p up?
This agency, like most others is a joke and needs to be abolished