The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will start denying states funding for disaster relief next year if they don’t toe the line and adapt their emergency preparedness plans to account for global warming…or climate change…or whatever.
How does this tactic work? Read more about the administration’s attempts to leverage FEMA assistance to co-opt states into their climate agenda:
climate change isnt fraud. and no one calls it “global warming” anymore its called CLIMATE CHANGE, which is real and IS happening.
Plus, they have the ammo! Nice looking dog!
Faux science with an agenda!!!
Oh, is that how we define “Strong-Arming” now? as “Coerce”???
FEMA and EVERY federal agency and department under a corrupt, immoral monster like obama is criminal and must be defunded!
Evil fema
Stupidity is relentless
That’s fine how about we defund FEMA it’s we the people again we have the power it’s our money not FEMA’s
What they want is to kill off 90 per cent and have one world all this is bad it will all start soon . God v satan . Look up CERN and see .God help us all !! You must think I am a nut see for your self .