The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will start denying states funding for disaster relief next year if they don’t toe the line and adapt their emergency preparedness plans to account for global warming…or climate change…or whatever.
How does this tactic work? Read more about the administration’s attempts to leverage FEMA assistance to co-opt states into their climate agenda:
Thats because the Liberals have invested in all the companies that are making a killing on Global warming technology
it feels fine to me
They look like circus tents
FEMA is the biggest fraud. So why do we have them? They have lost sight of their goal or purpose.
It’s not a fraud – it’s accepted scientific fact. Everyone in the world with half a functioning brain knows this.
Every top scientist in the world has come forward stating global warming is a lie!! The scientist who first said we have global warming has since retracted his statement and has joined the other top scientists in declaring it a total farce – a fraud perpetrated on the world! Look it up!!
Surely you are joking…
I am absolutely serious. Everyone in the world – except right wing wackos – knows that climate change is real, it us occurring right now, and it’s going to be disastrous.
That is absolutely not true. In fact, the truth is exactly opposite of that – roughly 97% of climate scientists agree that man made climate change is occurring right now.