The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will start denying states funding for disaster relief next year if they don’t toe the line and adapt their emergency preparedness plans to account for global warming…or climate change…or whatever.
How does this tactic work? Read more about the administration’s attempts to leverage FEMA assistance to co-opt states into their climate agenda:
global warming is a political agenda, does not exist
Do Not comply ..
Are Democrats still clinging to the DELUSION that Obama is a President instead of a TYRANNICAL DICTATOR? He is now using FEMA to threaten and extort States. If they don’t fall into line with Obama’s F**E Global Warming, disaster relief funds will be withheld.
They over reach and don’t care about the cons$#%&!@*ution
Big rich business doesnt want to admit it or want people to believe it. They would go bankrupt trying not to pollute.
Where are the tornadoes when you need them?
I hear people say “God’s in control.” There are still things people can do and say, not be pacifists, because He did give us a brain and p$#%&!@*ion for what is right. He works through us. Where would this country be if people had been pacifists in 1776??? Yes, I do believe in Him and that He is in control, but is warning us to take action, as well.
Brought to you by the same that mandated 55 MPH speed limits and mandatory seat belt use. Think it can’t happen here, think again OBAMACARE ring a bell?.
Invoke the Tenth Amendment, if that doesn’t work, there is another one that can be invoked
I guess you don’t get the point that “We the people ” are going to have to stand up and fight to restore our country to our forefathers intended vision. It is our patriotic duty to my and your ancestors. Mine fought to free this country. Don’t know about yours. I intend to keep it free and strong.