The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will start denying states funding for disaster relief next year if they don’t toe the line and adapt their emergency preparedness plans to account for global warming…or climate change…or whatever.
How does this tactic work? Read more about the administration’s attempts to leverage FEMA assistance to co-opt states into their climate agenda:
Let’s continue to demand states rights even if it has to be done by a convention of states.
The s$#%&!@*-agency for the puppet master……they will feel the brunt of their corruption and mis-deeds, soon….
Congress needs to have more over sight over FEMA and put a stop to government departments being used as weapons against the working middle cl$#%&!@*! OBAMA is using FEMA to try to force the global warming scam on AMERICA!
Don’t push that lie on us we are not stupid
They missed the news by sientist , we will have a new mini ice age . Not global warming ,it`s just a way to get more taxes and new regulations .
All about $$$
I just read today that the next ICE AGE will be here by 2030! I wish they would get their LIES together!
i knew it was a racket
I have heard of them. But they don’t show up when there is a disaster in N.J. Maybe we could just shut that dept. down and save administration cost
Actually we need to apologize and send them back to Africa.