The screenwriter for a movie about the totalitarian takeover of our nation, 29-year old Army veteran David Crowley, along with his wife and 5-year-old daughter were found dead this past Sunday morning in their Minnesota home in an apparent murder-suicide.
The film, which has yet to be finished, was called Gray State and featured controversial topics such as FEMA camps, martial law and RFID chips.
Here’s one story the mainstream media would want you to forget…
Currently looking at the case is the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office are the Apple Valley Police Department with the investigation.
Investigators have confirmed that they are treating the deaths as ‘suspicious’.
Christopher Rodriguez Chase Adriaanse
“Google…. see what comes up.”
I hope you understand, in the midst of your uneducated drivel that internet conent is neither regulated or verified(by anyone) for veracity or accuracy.
I can go buy a web domain tonight and build a website declaring you a lesbian reptile with gender issues, if I so wished.
I could then place the right meta tags and key words, according to the top trending per web data search statistics and have it one of the top shown webpages on the net.
I’m sure you’d be horrified at what could be attributed to your person and wouldn’t want everyone to believe what is said on the net…
But according to your own logic, this is perfectly acceptable behavior.
It is also illogical…
Hey$#%&!@*head, what’s your fucking problem. If you don’t agree with me fine, if you get your nuts off attacking me with your FB mussels your need to step aside and let tbe adults talk. For your information I don’t need to be informed that there is conspiracy theories on the internet. If you get your information from reputable sources you can believe what you read. Being that you didn’t go on the internet to see what would come up if you put in red shield I will tell you. The Salvation Army because of their red shield and the Rothschilds banking industry. If you want to know the truth about what I’m talking about Google the Rothschilds family
B/T/W Executive order transferred power to the Treasury to continue issuing silver certificates WHILE the country was transitioning to federal reserve notes. Had nothing to do with ending the fed reserve.
Exactly, they were trying to get rid of the Federal Reserve money because it is controlled by the Rothschild banking industry.
On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal
And it would have worked if they didn’t assassinate Kennedy.
^^ Reading comprehension was never your strong suite, was it?
At no time did the U.S. need to pass a law, to return power to the Gov. to issue currency. Government has retained that power from its inception and the issuance of currency is still the job of the U.S. Government.
Laws controlling the issuance of money are passed by The United States Congress.
The U.S. Mint is a Government agency, guess what they do there?
The executive order simply authorized the Treasury to keep issuing silver certificates while the transition to federal reserve notes was occuring.
The executive order did not seek to eliminate or halt the transition to the federal reserve note, issued by the Federal Reserve System, which was also founded by… duh duh duh…by the Congress.
The U.S. Treasury, though outside the bank structure, is still tasked with the creation of the currency.
The Federal Reserve is only considered an independent institution, because the Government does not over-see monetary decisions inside the bank.
The Gov. through the U.S. Dept of Treasury is still the creator of the currency issued.
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