The screenwriter for a movie about the totalitarian takeover of our nation, 29-year old Army veteran David Crowley, along with his wife and 5-year-old daughter were found dead this past Sunday morning in their Minnesota home in an apparent murder-suicide.
The film, which has yet to be finished, was called Gray State and featured controversial topics such as FEMA camps, martial law and RFID chips.
Here’s one story the mainstream media would want you to forget…
Currently looking at the case is the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office are the Apple Valley Police Department with the investigation.
Investigators have confirmed that they are treating the deaths as ‘suspicious’.
Whoa Generation X? The same Generation X known as the latch key kids? Sorry Mike wrong generation to put the blame on. You need to be looking at Gen Y( Millennials) whom have taken up socialist and communist ideals.
Stanford Hayden he’s the leader they’ve (the conspirators) been waiting for
James Gallaher this is what I was talking about show your step dad haha
Silenced for being crazy? He wasn’t important enough for that.
Check for Meth, then Talk to the lady’s friends via cellie records…
So jesus is gonna come back because of americas problems? Makes sense….
Shock, shock. Obama and Hillary are at it again
John sterling your funny he sign more against guns get your facts checked
Joe Joe Lamonica
Ya we can fight ,but better hurry