Remember those ridiculous “I [heart] Obamcare” stickers from years ago? Where are they now?
They were peeled off their bumpers in the middle of the night the same way the abomination of Obamacare was passed. While Nancy Pelosi paraded in D.C. with an oversized gavel, the actual passing of Obamacare took place in the dead of night.
The Democrats in congress passed it forcefully and quickly and hoped no one would notice. It was equivalent to flatulence.
It still stinks today.
No democratic campaigns on the processes of Obamacare, they only allude to the dreams of it that will never manifest.
So lurid was the rollout of the programs website that the non-American model who’s pleasant face graced the landing page had to go into hiding.
One of the more despicable details to emerge from the legislation, is the attempt to enter American’s homes and dictate legal trends to patients, grossly altering their lifestyles.
Most of this is hidden from the American people of course becasue the idea of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton sending agents to creep around your house is utterly revolting.
It’s also a possibility now unless serious action is taken to curtail these incursions.
Please see the next page for details on Obamacare’s home visits.
Sure were.
When I turned 65 and went on medicare I began receiving letters and phone calls telling get me I needed to have a health check at home it was a part of my suppliment.
I blocked the number and rip up the letters as they arrive.
I did research and what they do is send a nurse who checks your living situation to see if you can live at home..if not they petition to have you go into a nursing home or an assisted living.
I began getting letters and calls after I went on medicare.. I have their numbers ocker and rip the letters up. They want to come in to evaluate if you need nursing home or assisted living care.
Then they go after guardian ship.
I am an evil hoarder.
They want to control the quality of what we eat..
Please come to my home. Please.
Everybody better stop and think, your government federal,local state, candidates all but Donald Trump, your media especially cnn, all of Washington support illegal immigration and black lives matters and the black panthers, these black and white (aginst whites) racist all support black supremacists,black terrorist, blacks who murdered cops only doing their jobs,innocent whites, black racisism,black bigotry, want a race war, they support Mexicans south Americans central American criminals who murder cops,Americans and all kinds of crimes and they get amnesty, our federal,stste,local governments want a race war because they want whites and all other races to be the black and$#%&!@*s slaves!! They want your kids and grand kids of all other races to be their slaves. That’s why they want your guns,no knock search warrants and to take all other races rights away. So in the future all other races will be slaves to blacks and$#%&!@*s!! Time the niggas and$#%&!@*s, mexico,south and central America and the pope STOP TELLING ALL OTHER RACES HOW TO LIVE IN OUR COUNTRY!! CIVIL WAR IS COMING BUT IT WON BE THE WHITES OR OTHER RACES THAT CAUSE IT, IT WILL BE ALL OF WASHINGTON, THE MEDIA THE WHITE RACIST AGINST WHITES ALL THE CANDIDATES BUT TRUMP THAT START IT BY NOT CONDEMNING BLACK AND$#%&!@*TERRORISM!!! IT WILL START BY BLACKS AND$#%&!@*S COMMITTING MASS MURDER IN SCHOOLS OR IN A CROWDED AREAS BECAUSE NONE OF THOSE WHO SUPPORT BLACK AND$#%&!@*TERRORISM CONDEMNED THEIR MURDERS THEY COMMITTED!!!
I have guns and rip rounds try coming in I’m a marks woman!!!
You got that right Shawn Teeter