Remember those ridiculous “I [heart] Obamcare” stickers from years ago? Where are they now?
They were peeled off their bumpers in the middle of the night the same way the abomination of Obamacare was passed. While Nancy Pelosi paraded in D.C. with an oversized gavel, the actual passing of Obamacare took place in the dead of night.
The Democrats in congress passed it forcefully and quickly and hoped no one would notice. It was equivalent to flatulence.
It still stinks today.
No democratic campaigns on the processes of Obamacare, they only allude to the dreams of it that will never manifest.
So lurid was the rollout of the programs website that the non-American model who’s pleasant face graced the landing page had to go into hiding.
One of the more despicable details to emerge from the legislation, is the attempt to enter American’s homes and dictate legal trends to patients, grossly altering their lifestyles.
Most of this is hidden from the American people of course becasue the idea of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton sending agents to creep around your house is utterly revolting.
It’s also a possibility now unless serious action is taken to curtail these incursions.
Please see the next page for details on Obamacare’s home visits.
Aim for the blue helmet
I hope all you Obama care people are happy and enjoy the home invasions, you ask for it you got it.
Your a daisy if you do….
We are all slaves now,don’t believe me? Don’t pay your taxes………….
You will get shot
If they show at my door they wont be so well when they leave ! Go$#%&!@*yourself Obama
If you plan to vote for Ted Cruz, you MUST know these things!
If you vote for this snake, you are a fool!
* Heidi Cruz has been employed by Goldman Sachs since 2005. She is currently on leave.
* Heidi Cruz is a member of the leftist council on foreign relations, advocates of world Government and a New World Order.
* Ted Cruz was George Bush’s top policy advisor.
* Ted Cruz was in the federal Trade Commission.
* Ted and Heidi met when they were both Bush staffers.
* Cruz advised on legal affairs and Heidi on economic policy for the bush administration.
* Heidi was director for the Western Hemisphere on the national security council under Condoleeza Rice.
* Heidi served as deputy U.S. Trade Representative to USTR head,
Robert Zoellick, working on China trade policy.
* Ted Cruz’ campaign chairman, Chad Sweet, is a former CIA officer.
He also worked for Goldman Sachs.
* Ted Cruz voted for cloture on TPA, (trans pacific partnership agreement)
fast track trade authority, removing the hurdle of concern for further amendment, and clearing the way for passage!
It didn’t have to be recorded, so nobody knew this.
He voted NOT to require approval of congress before other countries could join, including China.
* Cruz has openly stated that he will NOT use a deportation force, and will continue to use the failed ICE system, where an illegal has to commit a crime first, then be caught.
* Cruz belongs to the radical Christian sect of 7 mountains dominionism, that seeks to place their members in control of our culture and create a NWO though the$#%&!@*of business, government, media, arts & entertainment, education, family, and religion. He is the appointed messiah/savior of their group.
* Ted Cruz has only been a citizen for about 19 months! He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014 so he could run for president.
There are also other reasons that he is not constitutionally eligible, including the fact that both of his parents were NOT U.S. Citizens when he was born, only his mother was.
Wise up, he’s not who you think he is!
Scarey if true……