The U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently published an outline for their involvement as “equal partners“ in the raising of children. What looks to be like another Orwellian mandate in the making is the idea that children should not belong to their families but to the community in order to “ensure that children’s social-emotional and behavioral needs are met.“
And by community they mean the constant monitoring and communication by teachers, doctors, and Government officials overseeing children whose families fail to meet standards.
The book ‘1984’ describes similar Government mandates that used children to “communicate“ any illegal behavior their parents might be committing.
It is known that “the children are our future,“ and Big Brother wants to take full advantage.
Read the next page to find out where they will begin.
Big Brother…
Feds and schools have no business in a families every day living. They best butt out
Wow. We have let the feral population go just a bit too far, and this is the way the government plans to “help?” Unbelievable.
Too much government intrusion into our lives! Socialist and communists what this!! Liberals are too dumb to see the writing on the wall if they fall for this!
They are already doing it they have all gone rouge and overstepped authority
Pauline Wallace If you are not willing to stand up to them then they will take more and more of your rights as a parent.
There is a time and my husband and I had hit that time along time ago when it was time to say no. And we do not give a damn what they tell us to do.
Fck u stay out of our lives and homes. Protect the children in motel rooms being sold for meth and leave people alone
And they say they can’t monitor or deport illegal aliens because they can’t find them? BS