The U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently published an outline for their involvement as “equal partners“ in the raising of children. What looks to be like another Orwellian mandate in the making is the idea that children should not belong to their families but to the community in order to “ensure that children’s social-emotional and behavioral needs are met.“
And by community they mean the constant monitoring and communication by teachers, doctors, and Government officials overseeing children whose families fail to meet standards.
The book ‘1984’ describes similar Government mandates that used children to “communicate“ any illegal behavior their parents might be committing.
It is known that “the children are our future,“ and Big Brother wants to take full advantage.
Read the next page to find out where they will begin.
Leave our homes, children and personal lives alone!
The people are standing by and letting this administration trample on every freedom that has been bought and paid for by American blood. Funny how a 5 cent tea tax started a revolution and the people just stand back and watch this country fall. 19 Trillion dollars in debt and growing by the day, China buying up this country and no one cares. Hope your prepared to tell your kids, grand children and their children how you voted and stood by and did nothing. Good luck.
They can start with the TAMPON QUEEN & make sure she is paying her taxes too !
how dare you…you DO NOT belong in any American’s family, you did not carry the child for 9 mos. and you didn’t spread your seed, so f**k you with this s**t
how dare they? did they carry the child for 9 mos…are the male congress ones that impregnated the mother? stay the$#%&!@*out of our lives
Who screen the liberal Borg collective for mental health issues
This is what$#%&!@*and the Nazis did !!!
Corrupt is what they are.
Totally agree