The U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently published an outline for their involvement as “equal partners“ in the raising of children. What looks to be like another Orwellian mandate in the making is the idea that children should not belong to their families but to the community in order to “ensure that children’s social-emotional and behavioral needs are met.“
And by community they mean the constant monitoring and communication by teachers, doctors, and Government officials overseeing children whose families fail to meet standards.
The book ‘1984’ describes similar Government mandates that used children to “communicate“ any illegal behavior their parents might be committing.
It is known that “the children are our future,“ and Big Brother wants to take full advantage.
Read the next page to find out where they will begin.
Another reason we must defund the Dept of Education and Dept of Health and Human services. Besides, don’t most states have these? Cities also?
The government needs to be downsized and stopped from sticking their noses into our business. Keep them out of everything that we personally should handle or should be handled by our states.
If true it would be the next step to taking your kids from a certain age and keeping them. It was done before not very successfully.
In Kiev where my friend escaped from, their hair, in the case of little girls, must be perfectly braided! If not, they announce it over a loudspeaker where you work @your gov job. The daycare/school is also in your bldg. You would be shunned and no one speaks to you for fear of gov.Cannot talk about the gov. Lots more too
So wrong
And those levels of determination on whether or not your a good parent according to whom will be made how is what I want to know !?.
I will not let anyone touch my kids
This is communism America wake up and smell the roses !!!
back 150 yrs ago everyone in dc except for a couple libertarins would be swinging from the treason tree…. end times are near
Can you say$#%&!@*Youth?