It’s happening, ladies and gentlemen: drones are finally being deployed within the United States, and your privacy rights are on the verge of being sacrificed to them.
Kentucky resident William Meredith discovered this one day when a drone suddenly appeared in his yard. Having just finished grilling dinner for the rest of his family and not giving permission to anyone, much less a drone, to set foot (or flight) over his property, he fired upon it with his trusty shotgun.
Incredibly, the owner of the downed aircraft, John Boggs, is suing Meredith for firing upon his drone. Arguing that Meredith had no right to attack the craft even as it was trespassing over his land, Boggs has officially lodged a lawsuit against the Kentucky truck company owner.
To Meredith, the lawsuit is completely absurd. ““The only people I’ve heard anything negative from are liberals that don’t want us having guns and people who own drones,” he said. Although common folk might sympathize with Meredith, there is disturbingly strong evidence that the government will side with Boggs in his case.
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Looks like good target practice to me
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would be a bad idea to fly over private property in michigan
Shoot them down that’s our right if they go in private yards or go out and use a ballbat on it.stay out of our yards.
Fly one over my home an it will be junk when I get done with it… 12 gauge works wonders !!!
Ill take them right out of the sky try me im a great shot I wont miss
Target practice!
And so is their families back yard.
Awesome Back in the Day we Would Play Duck Hunt On Nintendo top Sooter .. i will Have no Problems bwhahahah
Or maybe just use your water hose.