The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has begun an investigation into the lack of female directors in Hollywood. Reports claim they sent letters to 50 female directors, urging them to share any experiences or stories they have involving discrimination in the world place. Some of the recipients of these letters have stayed silent on the issue, while others have been vocal in their support of the investigation.
Go to the next page to read about the percent of films directed by women in recent years.
Haven’t they got better things to do. Who care what happens in Hollywood?
Really, how about investigation into OBAMA’s high crimes of treason!!!
Who gives a frick about female directors or male directors?!?!
Federal tax dollars well spent
oh for the LOVE OF GOD! This country has a lot bigger problems than to worry or waste money on who is directing the c**p in hollyweird.
Yea this one of our main problems.
Stop wasting taxpayer’s money
More BIG Government
So….the government has been infected with female activism?
Someone needs to control the filth that comes out of Hollywood, The porn, the drugs and the mental illness. This does have an impact on our children.