The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has begun an investigation into the lack of female directors in Hollywood. Reports claim they sent letters to 50 female directors, urging them to share any experiences or stories they have involving discrimination in the world place. Some of the recipients of these letters have stayed silent on the issue, while others have been vocal in their support of the investigation.
Go to the next page to read about the percent of films directed by women in recent years.
Maybe that’s why all the movies and stuff have half naked$#%&!@*and sex scenes now..didgusting.. we need more family movies and good wholesome conedies., love stories, ect..
Anything to ignore real issues in this country.
Is that really what’s important? Do we need government to investigate why there’s not a lot of female directors? With everything going on in the world right now I think that should be the least of our problems
Please??? What does it matter as the Dems would say!!!!
Lest people think I’m a liberal, no. There are PLENTY of things to investigate. Just not this.
You can’t be too sure nowadays with spooks and trolls trying to negate everything that doesn’t agree with an agenda. But I guess I’m just paranoid, right? I mean, doesn’t every serious troll seem to have multiple personalities that seem to know more than one person should?
I suspect it’s the Left’s way to distract from real news?? – they’ve become real pros at it.
But…discuss. If you are a troll I’ll know since you have no real reason or interest to disagree by yourself.
what had our world come to?
Ok lets see how they like it when the government sticks their nose in their business, next they will tell you what you can produce , before you know it you will be allowed to only make movies about the Dear Leader,,,, this is what the liberal idiots have helped to bring about , hope they like it.