Thanks to a recent observation by employees of the Platte River computer company – the same ones who have been keeping one of Clinton’s email servers stored in the bathroom of a Denver apartment – Hillary Clinton might be one step closer to that jail cell she belongs in. While this “observation” might just be an attempt by the Platte River computer company to avoid trouble with the law, it’s welcomed news. Clinton’s lawyers have agreed to hand over online backups of her emails from a “cloud” storage system.
The FBI and Senate Homeland Security committee have asked for and been granted permission to view the files. Through all of this, the greatest question is why Hillary Clinton has been storing her personal emails on several different machines.
See the answer to that question on the next page.
hillary for jail
She’s one of the more prolific causes of GERD in the USA.
We’re all hoping that this is the one that puts her away, for good…
That aint no lady people.
How pathetic is she!!!!
Hillary is a liar, a criminal, and a traitor.
As pleasant a thought that is, Hillary arrested, charged and jailed, sadly it just ain’t gonna happen people.
and nothing will happen….
Obama needs an orange jumpsuit. Preferably red cause he’s the devil..
I disagree…this is no lady!…lol