At last, the government is admitting what conservatives have been saying all along: debt has not only increased under Obama, but it will continue to long after he leaves office due to his reckless policies.
After looking into the issue, the Congressional Budget Office published an alarming report on Monday that concluded the federal government will likely be looking at $30 trillion in debt in the next ten years. This prediction is one of the most disturbing of it’s kind and has it’s basis in numerous variables.
While the CBO report cited a rise in the number of elderly people as well as tax and spending cuts as contributing to this massive debt, it also mentioned Obamacare as a major financial burden, increasing the debt significantly and reversing gains the government has made in fixing a troubled economy.
It doesn’t help that the Obamacare, contrary to what the president’s sycophantic followers said would happen, has failed to meet it’s goals by any standard. Not only has the amount of people using the system’s exchanges plunged by almost 40%, 11 million customers will receive taxpayer subsidies this year, a marked contrast to the the “efficient” and “cost-effective” program Obama described,
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Just wait for Hillary! Ha ha!
I seriously doubt it’s just Obama care that caused this number, more like the war is at least 1/2 that number. Anyone who didn’t have health insurance before and do now, are grateful an illness isn’t a death sentence to a dearly loved one.
Obummer got number 1 without the Democrats even reading it! I’m just happy he’s having so much trouble with number 4. PLEASE GOD don’t let him succeed in this agenda! PLEASE PEOPLE don’t be useful idiots!
He will keep spending to suit his own agenda with total disregard to the fact he is ruining this country. A dictator has little regard for his people as long as his own demands are met. Much worse our Congress is helping him. Soon we will have no country at all.
When no has a job take it from Congress and President do you think sounds good.
Who, How and Why, the “System” is being systematically collapsed is covered in this report. It’s called Zionist Banker Cartel. Not just on JFK.
Lucie would be more appropriate
I meant Lucifer. Autocorrect is horrible.
Obama care is a huge joke…hearing people talk about it and how much they hate it is something