At last, the government is admitting what conservatives have been saying all along: debt has not only increased under Obama, but it will continue to long after he leaves office due to his reckless policies.
After looking into the issue, the Congressional Budget Office published an alarming report on Monday that concluded the federal government will likely be looking at $30 trillion in debt in the next ten years. This prediction is one of the most disturbing of it’s kind and has it’s basis in numerous variables.
While the CBO report cited a rise in the number of elderly people as well as tax and spending cuts as contributing to this massive debt, it also mentioned Obamacare as a major financial burden, increasing the debt significantly and reversing gains the government has made in fixing a troubled economy.
It doesn’t help that the Obamacare, contrary to what the president’s sycophantic followers said would happen, has failed to meet it’s goals by any standard. Not only has the amount of people using the system’s exchanges plunged by almost 40%, 11 million customers will receive taxpayer subsidies this year, a marked contrast to the the “efficient” and “cost-effective” program Obama described,
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These same fools will vote for Bernie,Wake up !
Obama should change his first name to Disaster …
I guess we will all move to Mexico soon. We won’t be able to afford to live in the US!!
Marxist state..? I think not.. Define your Marxist philosophy…drama yes..
Of course
Anyone noticed the $695 FINE for NOT having health insurance that meets Obamacare standards during 2015? IRS Form 1905 MUST be filed with your federal income tax. That is for those who actually PAY income taxes.
Marxism : the political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Marx; especially : a theory and practice of socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society.
You’re right it’s masquerading as Marxism but in reality it’s fascism.
But you wanted Change and Si Se Puede?