According to James Comey, the Director of the FBI, there are roughly 900 on-going investigations of ISIL inspired operatives across the country. That would work out to be 18 Islamic radicals in each state, doing God only knows what.
Comey admits that he is not certain if they have the resources to keep up with the demand of growing numbers.
Read the staggering facts on page two.
Some Americans are tougher then they look but they have a better time with schools and colleges as well as blue states where guns are less. But who knows. Unlike the other countries we have the second amendment so that helps
The investigation needs to start at the White House.
I am really surprised Ovomit hasn’t fired this guy yet, he is telling us that we cannot vet all those syrians…I don’t think Ovomit would stand for that
OVOMIT will not let us act….Americans are peaceful, and will not act out of malice, but REACT when backed into a corner….then, GOD HELP THEM….WE WILL dispatch them promptly…..but unfortunately, not before we are backed into a corner, apparently.
We must hang them NOW! its not to late to get rid them.
Isis doesn’t know it but all they’re doing is bringing us their guns,and their scalps!
Stop investigating and start shooting.
We are ready to fight bring it on
So, what is the point in us paying to support refugees here if ISIS is here and why are we inviting them here knowing they are out to kill us??? Our government is so corrupt.