The unholy alliance between environmentalists and government agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management are sometimes exposed for what they are, simply a greedy land grab that cheats private owners and bullies them into submission rather than face the behemoth federal government.
Most citizens have no idea that the federal government owns more than 50 percent of the land mass in 11 western states, and they absolutely could never conjure up why the federal government needs to control that much land. In fact, it seems much more economic and manageable to have the various states control most of the public land within a particular state, but the videos below the bravado and the admission that what is really going on is out and out theft.
See video on page 2:
These parisites should be fired, jailed, and have their land, property sold, and the profits given to the victims, whose land they “STOLE”, and they should be forced to give the l and back to it’s right full owners. So they like being a bullie, hey, let the victims decide their fate, even the firing squad, if appropriate, SCUMBAGS!!!
U.S. government owns/contols, 1/3 of all land mass in America. This isn’t legal and one has to wonder why?
Bet that will stop soon guarenteed
EPA AND BLM need to be defunded and shut down for their greedy corrupt ways. Jail the bums
Sooner or later there will be a showdown against the Fed’s and the citizens over this Illegal land grab. Feds are out of control & no longer serves the people!
President Trump ,Put a stop to the BLM for America’s sake and it’s citizen’s .find out what really has happened in the land grab by the Fed’s!!!
Mark Fuchs, not poking but this is, essentially, the “police state” attitude that Conservatives fear. They do sane environmentalism no favors. I fear the backlash over the next decade will go too far.
Been ongoing and needs to stop
The Fed owns No land.
not for of and by the people anymore.