Newly released documents by the The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration details a plan by the federal government to mandate a vehicle-to-vehicle communication system so in all new cars that will transmit your speed, position and trajectory.
The Washington Post states that this system could prevent half a million accidents a year, however many worry that the government will use the system to spy on citizens and track their movements. The same federal government that already spies on us and the rest of the world through the NSA says ‘don’t worry, we won’t do that’.
trust me, I’m from the government and I’m here to help you……….
“Devices” won’t stop crashes…get idiot drivers out of vehicles..that will stop crashes…duhhhhhhhh!
sensors can be installed in cars. Trusting that most cars will be traveling properly, any vehicle that strays can straiten out by looking at the line striping and using radar to detect every other vehicle. Theres no need for all cars to form a network.
Won’t ever buy a new car!
The government needs to grow up.
I have wondered if they can already use onstar. I know my grandparents it the talk button by accident and they were speaking to an onstar representative through a hidden microphone in the car. They could hear the representative through the stero speakers. It wouldn’t surprise me if they already do all this.
I can hear the chirping already from the bandwagon, that’s my term for democrat. Oh yeah that’s exactly what we need, more ways to be denied of privacy. They are talking about a grid through street lights that will track every move of people is already being used in some places. It would eventually be connected all over the world.
this all needs to be stopped and reversed
DO NOT put another Dem. in office any office