Newly released documents by the The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration details a plan by the federal government to mandate a vehicle-to-vehicle communication system so in all new cars that will transmit your speed, position and trajectory.
The Washington Post states that this system could prevent half a million accidents a year, however many worry that the government will use the system to spy on citizens and track their movements. The same federal government that already spies on us and the rest of the world through the NSA says ‘don’t worry, we won’t do that’.
you ain’t putting a g******n thing in my car
So no need for insurance then right?
Things like this will keep people from buying new cars. Just keep repairing the old one that doesnt spy on you .. The government doesnt need to know where my car is or listen to me sing on my drive home from work.
Yeah, I will be blocking that signal.
sure right up that
Put it only in the Washington Posts cars.
Reminds me of that song, “Don’t worry, be happy”, yeah, in a drug induced coma I won’t worry, and will be happy” !!! I’ll be happy with the Traitor In Chief behind bars, the IRS disbanded, Obamacare a thing of the distant past, and our borders secured and nobody slithering across trying to get free stuff, oh, yeah, AND NO MORE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS !!! I PAID INTO SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE MY ENTIRE LIFE, AND I AM PISSED THAT THE GOVERNMENT JUST HANDS OUT THE MONEY I PAID INTO THE TRUST FUND, AND IS NOW PAYING IT OUT TO INDIVIDUALS WHO NEVER PAID IN !!! AND THAT IS JUST WRONG !!! Stop taking my trust fund and giving it away ,,,
My Social Security And Medicare ARE NOT AN ENTITLEMENT !!! I PAID THAT MONEY IN, OVER 60 YEARS WORTH !!! They NOW call it an entitlement because the damn professional politicians are giving it away to people who never did work, who don’t want to work, and who never will work !!! Stop stealing MY TRUST DOLLARS !!! And all the other people who paid in their entire lives expecting to get their fair share that they were promised !!! Impeach ALL OF THE DAMN PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS AND GIVE THEM ONE TERM IN OFFICE, THEN THEY MOVE TO A HIGHER POSITION IF THE PEOPLE ARE SATISFIED WITH THEIR PERFORMANCE. END LOBBYISTS, PERIOD !!! They are nothing but Leeches sucking on the Government Teat, until it runs dry. They have used up all the money, they have printed money by the Trillions of dollars until the dollar isn’t worth $#%&!@*, now the world wants to use another currency, besides the dollar, as the standard against which all other currencies are valued, AND THE ONLY PLACE LEFT FOR THE POLITICIANS TO STEAL MONEY FROM, OOPS, I MEAN TAX IT FROM, IS YOUR RETIREMENT SAVINGS !!!
They saw how well it went over in the European Union when they TOOK MONEY FROM everybody’s Retirement savings and gave them worthless government bonds with 100 year Maturity dates, And now our government has passed laws allowing them to take our retirement and give us worthless Government Bonds with long (probably 100 year) maturity dates. Vote the all out !!! Vote in conservatives who will stop giving our tax dollars to every country in the world. Stop the Welfare World. Support our true friends !!!
Stop idiot politicians who think they are the smartest people in the room, they are not !!! They are just as dumb as the rest of us !!! We need to TAKE BACK OUR GOVERNMENT, AND TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY !!!
Right. If you like your insurance plan.
What about the chips or what ever on the license plates?