Over the past eight years, the federal government has grown in size and power while states have become weaker and weaker. In some cases, the states have almost no power at all.
Several years ago, the federal government challenged Arizona SB 1070, a bill that allowed the state to enforce immigration law. They claimed that only the federal government has the power to question an individual’s immigration status and put them on the path to deportation.
Now, the federal government is barring states from choosing who they allow in, as well.
Earlier this year, Texas Governor Greg Abbott claimed that his state would not accept refugees from Syria. The federal government schemed to send them there anyway — and they got help from the state’s most liberal city.
See how the feds colluded with Austin Mayor Steve Adler on the next page:
I just saw a video of Russia and what happens to Muslims if they start$#%&!@* A gang of Russian young guys beat the c**p out of a gang of Muslims young guys. It was poetic. The Muslims in Russia are afraid to start trouble, there.
The Governors should have say over their state.
The most people in Austin moved from California. I don’t know, if they smoke their children out with glue or if there is something in the water.
This mayor should be voted out he will destroy your state
I think the state should have the last say on unvetted Muslims…
Texans would burn that town to the ground but its the capital. Too many police.
Once obama out this can be stopped
Resettlement outside a war zone, great idea, resettlement inside the us.. Not remotely logical
Get rid of him