According to DOJ documents, federal agents have arrested three men from Gaston County, North Carolina, on conspiracy charges in a plot attack the government. The men are accused of prepping for a martial law scenario by stockpiling weapons, ammunition, tactical gear and attempting to rig home-made explosives.
The complaint against the three men, Walter Eugene Litteral, 50, Christopher James Barker, 41, and Christopher Todd Campbell, 30, mentions Jade Helm 15 as having fueled their impetus to ‘violate federal laws’.
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My thoughts…one or two things..Obama will make sure war is in place so martial law can take place OR he will leave the US after elections and then join up with his partners to further destroy the US. Some people need to open their eyes the next few months. Things may get very serious and interesting! I just also watched how our power grid is likely to get hit. We are vulnerable if that happens BIG trouble is to come!
They were manufacturing grenades and pipe bombs. You know, like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
@[1038103623:2048:Agnieszka Lockwood]
Told you preppers are considered terrorists or something
You said all that really needs to be said to properly $#%&!@*ess this incident
@[100001443997960:2048:Eric William Plunkett]
we have the right to defend ourselves from the government by the 2nd amendment.
the one in the middle needs to do something because with all the neck tatoos he is unemployable
You can buy explosives legal at most gun shops
nothing says freedom like a neck tattoo!