According to DOJ documents, federal agents have arrested three men from Gaston County, North Carolina, on conspiracy charges in a plot attack the government. The men are accused of prepping for a martial law scenario by stockpiling weapons, ammunition, tactical gear and attempting to rig home-made explosives.
The complaint against the three men, Walter Eugene Litteral, 50, Christopher James Barker, 41, and Christopher Todd Campbell, 30, mentions Jade Helm 15 as having fueled their impetus to ‘violate federal laws’.
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I agree 100% victimless crimes are just a way for the government to rob you.
I’m not ashamed to say it…some of you on here are scary…almost crazy. I just hope everyone waits and doesn’t act rashly because of the ridiculous martial law theory. Remember, Obama was elected President…twice. Why take a chance with the second election? But I realize I’m trying to use reason and logic here….I think I’m in the wrong place.
@[1367491884:2048:Angelia Poole Wheaton] it’s the beginning of the end
What are talking about? Mr. Man isn’t arresting anyone who prepping or who’s bearing arms! He’s arresting those making bombs and those who are felons who can’t bear arms because they’re criminals . The only war that’s going on is in your own head! The only snake biting happening are in the swamps down south. You are completely misinformed on what our military does here and abroad ! Go ahead keep building your bombs or whatever. Maybe you’ll blow yourselves up and do us all a favor!
@[729142413:2048:Nik Vinhaes]
And it begins.
What’s illegal about prepping to defend yourself ?
Jason is an Obama voter and die hard supporter, and plans to vote for Hillary. He completely trust his government and says a government takeover will never happen because history never repeats itself. “If the government really wanted to take over they would!”. The problem with this logic is our military is American men and women. Do you really think they would fire on their own family? No, because first, chaos must occur to disrupt peaceful living. A complete nation wide disruption in normal everyday living that suggest a hostile takeover. With out this the government would certainly crumble without foreign aid, ISIS and Muslums whom now have weapons I may add etc… (Food for thought). My point, it’s not as simple as giving the order to take over your fellow Americans and expect American soldiers to comply. Nope, it’s a chess game, strategy such as, arming known American enemy’s, financing known American enemy’s, divide and Concur tactics in order to create chaos between the American citizens. History has taught us that it can happen, and will happen again. How we as Americans learn from this history is up to us. I personally would rather be prepared for something that would never happen, than to ignore the possibility and drink the Kool Aid. ” We the people “. <---- When did this change? When did we as a society become so government dependent? This dependency makes us sheep more than any of us care to admit.
I got dumber just by reading the comments. Yes they did plenty wrong, making homemade explosives/pipe bombs is highly illegal and has been for decades, so is a felon in possession of a firearm….these aren’t new laws. All Iv seen is a lot of keyboard commandos on here, making gun owners look bad.
I’m all for the 2nd amendment but they were making bombs.