The #NeverTrump movement have thrown one Hail Mary after another, and time after time, nothing has worked.
If their previous attempts were desperate, their next move is downright pathetic.
Having apparently given up on persuading Americans that Trump isn’t fit for the Oval Office, they’ve set their sights on the recently immigrated to try and turn the tides against the perhaps-presumptive Republican nominee.
This move may appear to make sense on an incredibly basic level. Trump hasn’t exactly set the country’s immigrant voters aflame with enthusiasm with his accusations that Mexican migrants bring rape, crime, and murder to the United States, but recent events in California have proven that these anti-Trump Mexican immigrants are hardly effective campaigners.
If anything, their disrespect of the American flag, violence, and vandalism may be edging the needle closer toward Trump, rather than away from him. Still, these are the people Trump’s adversaries are counting on to steal back the nomination.
Read more about this last ditch effort on the next page:
Whoever is responsible, should be in prison.
TRUMP 2016
Immigrants have NO SAY IN OUR GOVERNMENT!!! It’s that simple!!
George Soros!
Thanks. It figures.
The only legal way is one vote to each legal voter….
if you dont like Americas ways then leave the country.
George Soros is behind all this BLM and the rioting….
Just curious: How is it that Trump protestors can assemble for a rally, yet events held by Hillary Clinton, whose about to be indicted, can carry on? There’s something really, really fishy about the way this is unfolding.
Shame on those grownups who have their children protesting a political rally, one they had no business to even attend; if they want to protest, do it at the ballot box; that is the American way. Allowing that child to be there teaches him to have no respect for other people’s first amendment rights and teaches him disregard for the law. I expected better.
Vote Trump, perhaps he will bring back civics classes to the schools, they are obviously needed. Be a productive member of society, not a destructive one!
A very good reason to vote for Trump. An opportunity to put it to the violent leftists protesters who we have had to endure during the past few years.
Any doubts now that the US is facing a violent, invading army?